Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Podcast Sample

A Podcast is a type of digital media consisting of audio and/or video recordings.  For our purposes, we'll be conducting our audio recording using Audacity and exporting the recording as a MP3 file.  There are many free sites that hosts podcasts similar to YouTube hosting videos for free.   We'll be using Podbean to hosts our podcast  -  

When you create your Podbean account, we'll use the same naming convention used for your "mybedford" email account . . . firstname, first two letters of last name, and day you were born - example:  Once your account is created, record your username and password and site address on your password document.  

You'll be uploading the MP3 file to Podbean - I'll be giving you specific directions on how to do this.  Once your MP3 files has been uploaded, you'll view your "podbean" site in order to grab the "html", embed code, so it can be posted on your blog as you see below.  (same process as you have done with Voki and Toondoo)

On your post with your podcast you'll will also be posting a picture collage of your first lady.  See the sample below.  

Podcast Recording Tips / Audacity

General recording tips

Tone:  When recording you don’t want your voice to be monotone – smiling while you are talking helps . . . otherwise talk as if you’re having a conversation with the person sitting next to you.  

Volume: Be sure your volume is loud enough.  You don’t want to sound like you are screaming but your audience shouldn’t have to strain to hear you.

Speed:  Speak at a normal conversational speed.  Sometimes when people get nervous they tend to talk fast.  Pace yourself, take a deep breath and go. 
Speech:  Pronounce words correctly and speak clearly.  Practice a few times before recording helps correct errors.
Creating an outline of what topics you want to cover is helpful in assuring you cover everything. 

Do your best.   Nothing will be 100% perfect, don't sweat the small stuff.  Do your best and go with the flow.  Don't let frustration build up, practice a few times before you begin recording and go with it.  You are bound to have a few mistakes.  Don't get so paralyzed by mistakes that you can't move forward.  

Below you'll find a Screencast on how to use Audacity with some general recording tips.   

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Toondoo On Identity Theft

Toondoo Assignment.

You have written two stories on how a crook could steal someone's Identity.  Decide which story you will create your cartoon on.  You will be using the "three pane story board", sample shown below.  The last slide must have an ending message tip for the reader.

Your last pane of your story must have a helpful tip for the audience . . .

1) how to protect yourself from being a victim of Identity Theft
2) what to do if you are a victim of Identity Theft - create an account.  Record your username and password on your password document.  When your Identity Theft Toondoo is 100% complete you need to publish it.
Once it's published you can grab the HTML code < > and put it on your blog.

Identity Theft