Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bullying Sample Voki

For the past two days we have been discussing Bullying and Cyberbullying. ConnectSafely web site is a good source to use when searching information on Online Safety.

Assignment: Create an informational script, that is 30 seconds long when read, on the topic bullying and/or cyber-bullying. Some ideas might include what it is, why people do it, how to stop it and/or what to do if you are a victim. When your script is complete, hand it in for approval. 

 Once the script is approved you'll be creating a Voki.  You'll use the script for text voice.

This assignment is worth 20 test points
 You'll be graded on the quality of your script (is it informative and useful) Copying and pasting text from the web is cheating - your script must be in your own words.  15 pts..
Creating and posting the Voki on the blog correctly is worth 5 pts.

See sample below.  Have fun!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Welcome to our Online Experience Class Blog

Introduction to Class Blog: We’ll be using this site for teacher-to-student communication as well as student-to-student communication. My goal is to do at least two blog post a month. Generally I will post on Monday and you have until Friday of that week to complete the blog assignment.  Sometimes the assignment will require you to post something to your blog, other times you'll leave a comment on my blog.

Ground Rules: Before we get started we’ll have to set some ground rules. First of all, all postings to this site must use school appropriate language. When you post, write in complete sentences. Key your first and last name and hour at the end of your post so I know who posted it (all posts are worth points). When commenting on another student’s post, keep your comments non-personal. You can agree or disagree with a comment but refrain from sarcasm and/or put-downs. State your position on the issue at hand and why you feel that way.

Your first post assignment: In a Word document respond to the following. When you are finished, spell check and proofread - be sure to key your first/last name and hour at the end.  Failure to do this will result in a zero.  Remember there are 120 other students responding. 

    1. Have you ever blogged before?  
    2. What do you want to learn in this class?
    3. Read the following quote and write a paragraph on what this means to you and how you can put this into an action plan.

Quote:  The future depends on what we do in the present. -  Gandhi.
4. What makes you smile?

Now, copy and paste your response as a comment on this blog using the comment link bottom right of this post.  Ask if you don't see it. Select the anonymous at the bottom and follow directions by entering security word verification given.